Monday, June 18, 2012

Double Fifth, A Chinese Solstice Celebration

Double Fifth (China)

Summer solstice was the great turning point in China as well.  In the Han dynasty lunar calendar the June solstice was clocked to the fifth day of the fifth month—they called it the “double fifth.”  They reckoned the day by the shortest noontime shadow cast by the gnomon of a sundial.  Solstice rituals in China focus on the interchange of yin-yang forces, which aggressively content with one another at this critical time of year.  They say that now the elements that make up life shift and move.  And we must respond by stopping all human activity to await the return of the ethers to a more settled state.  We relinquish our weapons; merchants do not travel; the government does not function; no fires are lit—lest yang will grow too powerful; no charcoal or metal are prepared; all wells are dredges do that their waters will be renewed, for water is to yin what fire is the yang—a stimulant.

Origins Of The Dragon Boat Festival
The Dragon Boat Festival originated in the Zhou Dynasty, in honor of a man named Qu Yuan, who was a poet and statesman, and a minister to the Zhou Emperor. Qu Yuan was a wise and kind and honest man, who did much to eliminate the corruption rampant in the Zhou court.

This was a time in Chinese history when, though the Zhou Dynasty was the ruling power, a number of feudal states were vying for power, and internecine warfare was rampant. Qu Yuan advised the Zhou Emperor to avoid going to war with the Qin – one of these feudal states. This advice was not popular with the other members of the court, and Qu Yuan ended up being exiled.

When the Zhou were defeated by the Qin, Qu Yuan, in despair, threw himself into the Milou River, one the fifth day of the fifth month in 278 BC.

Upon hearing of Qu Yuan’s suicide, the local fisherman paddled out in their long boats, beating drums and throwing glutinous rice balls (zong zi) into the water, so that the fish wouldn’t eat Qu Yuan’s body.
Since that time, people have commemorated Qu Yuan by celebrating the anniversary of his death with activities that include dragon boat races and the eating of zong zi. Because Qu Yuan was a great poet, Duanwu Jie is sometimes also celebrated as “Poet’s Day.”

Dragon Boat Races
The highlight of the Dragon Boat Festival is, of course, the Dragon Boat races! Dragon boats are long canoes that are painted in bright colors – to look like dragons -- and feature a dragon’s head at the bow and a dragon’s curved tail at the stern. The Dragon Boat is “brought to life” in a ceremony in which its eyes are painted. The boats range in length, and can be powered by up to 80 rowers. The winner of the Dragon Boat race is the first team to grab a flag hung at the end of the course.

In the past, the festival was a day that people worshiped. It marked new weather that is brighter and fresher that could help them release ailments from their bodies. Prayers also wish for safety and a prosperous life.
In some regions, people take the festival as a chance to express thanks to herbalists to save them from heavy ailments.

1. Drinking Xiong Huang wine (a combination of the Chinese herb Xiong Huang with rice wine) which is believed to ward off evil spirits.

2. Painting and/or hanging pictures of Zhong Kui – a Chinese mythological guardian spirit – on ones front door, to protect the household from ghosts and evil beings. It's common also to hang Herbs such as moxa (mugwort) alongside the images of Zhong Kui.

3. Creating charms, amulets or medicine bags – pouches filled with herbs and/or spices believed to ward off disease.

4. Making the attempt to stand an egg of its end, at noontime on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. If you succeed, it means good luck for the following year.

As a whole, these activities are intended to support happiness and good health, and ward off disease at the time of the year when people are most likely to come with something.

The festival is also called Doan Ngo because during the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the sun is so bright at noon.

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